I was reflecting on a Friday afternoon not that long ago that almost had me telling Johnny off, and I would have been totally “justified” in doing it, let me tell you!
So…it was a Friday afternoon and Johnny and I were leaving the office after a long week of long hours of hard focused work.
I’m tired. He’s tired.
As we’re walking out of the office, I’m bogged down with 4 different bags, our dog Bean on a leash and his blankets (that I brought home to wash each week), and Johnny has nothing in his hands.
He doesn’t offer to help me carry anything.
He’s busy telling me something about a work project he’s doing.
And as we keep walking to the car, I’m getting slightly annoyed with the fact that I’m carrying so much and he didn’t offer to help.
Finally, I ask him to carry something.
He goes, “OH yes! Of course!”
And happily takes several items off my hands.
Now, here’s where I have a choice to make.
I can choose to stay irritated and annoyed and even let him have a piece of my mind.
I can choose to just release it and move on.
I chose the latter.
Shouldn’t I be able to speak my mind?
But I understand the male mind.
Men think differently than women.
Their brains actually work differently than ours.
I chose not to make a big issue out of it because I know that he was focused on another thing and simply…
Did. not. See. All. The. Stuff. I. Was. Holding!
It’s true!
Once I called it to his attention, he started and was immediately ready and willing and HAPPY to take the load off my shoulders!
He simply did not notice.
Most of the time, he DOES notice, just fyi.
He just happened to be thinking of his complex work project and sharing it with me.
So, because I know about men’s minds and how they work, I could choose how I respond.
Was I annoyed?
But I let it go.
I told him about it, then moved on.
Many women tend to think that men are just misbehaving women. They’re not.
They think differently than us.
I know Johnny very well.
He actually LOVES to be my hero, to carry things for me, and to fix things for me, and to make my life easier.
He just happened to be focusing on something else at that moment and didn’t see me carrying all that stuff.
Once I called attention to it by asking for him to carry something, he immediately took care of it.
And we moved on, easily.
Before I understood how men think, I would have been really, really annoyed and certainly would have told him about it and probably started an argument.
But it wasn’t necessary. I know Johnny’s heart.
And I understand his mind.
And I was able to quickly dissipate the annoyed feelings, and move into appreciation.
When you learn about men, about how they think, then you start to see that there are actually bunches and bunches of QUALITY men out there.
They DO exist!
You just need to understand them more… and you need to understand YOURSELF more.
This is what we teach and guide our clients through-going from not knowing, not understanding, being confused by men…to knowing more and doing better. And it changes EVERYTHING for them.
Have YOU ever been confused or frustrated by a man’s behavior?
To your ending the confusion and frustration,
Dr. Lara
Holistic Love & Life Mentor // Co-Founder of Feminine Radiance & Courage Institute